Friday, August 5, 2011

planet food

This picture came from:,29307,1626519_1373695,00.html

This  picture is about a family in the USA.Do you like this photo?Well I like it.......
I thik most children would like this kind of food.Because it has all the fast food the kids would like.
This is the reason that some USA people are fat.There are pizza ,fried chiken, potato chips,potato, spagetti and alll the other delicious treats and foods that most childs like me are here!

But there is a problem with this foods.This foods make the person who eat it fat.
like I said this foods are fast foods most of the food is fried and they have so much fat in them.
They are not good for health if you don't excercise.This foods are very good for partys and celebrations and on special days.Also the price for this meal a week is $341.98!!!! Could you spend all your one weeks food money on unhealthy fast foods? I  mean you could eat this cif of food once in a while but this foods are there food for one week.I f they keep on and on eating this unhealthy it will be really bad for them.

So in my opinion they should eat healthy foods like freash fruits ad vegtables.
Even if they eat food like this for example:even if they drink coke they should drink diet coke.
They should eat healthy foods ad not just pick the foods they like and eat them.
they should pick from all kinds and they should eat the right amount for this kinds of foods.

                      Thank you and be healthy!

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